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can can canopen
2007-07-04 09:40:09 UTC
Hi all
What is the difference between Channel and Frame API , what is the actual definition of both .
Thanks in advance
Mail to : <a href="mailto:***@lntemsys.com" target="_blank">***@lntemsys.com</a>
2007-07-04 10:10:09 UTC
The extract from this <a href="http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/2732" target="_blank">document</a> should answer your question : There are two APIs (application programming interfaces) exposed with
the NI-CAN driver software. The Frame API is the original API for CAN
programming. In the Frame API, you can transmit and receive CAN frames
that contain raw data bytes. Your program must parse and scale these
bytes to come up with scaled engineering units. For more information on
programming with the Frame API, please consult the Using the Frame API section of the NI CAN Hardware and Software Manual (see below).

NI first introduced the Channel API in the NI-CAN 2.0 driver software.
You can read from and write to CAN channels using channel names defined
in database files (.dbc or .ncd). The Channel API provides the
following benefits:

- High-level programming

- Easy-to-use physical units

- Primary use for easy CAN/data acquisition synchronization

- Ability to incorporate Vector database files

For more information on programming with the Channel API, please consult the NI-CAN Channel API resource below.
See Also: <a href="http://digital.ni.com/softlib.nsf/webcategories/85256410006C055586256BBB002C0ED2?opendocument&amp;node=132060_US" target="_blank">Download the latest National Instruments CAN software</a> <a href="http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/4294" target="_blank">The NI-CAN Channel API</a> <a href="http://digital.ni.com/manuals.nsf/websearch/75A23BEFC0DECEB98625700B00083154" target="_blank">NI CAN Hardware and Software Manual </a>