CANopen Error
(too old to reply)
can we generate frequency using counters . if so then what is the range and resolution.
2006-11-18 10:10:08 UTC
In my application i am communicating to a device using CANopen protocols. I am using High speed PCMCIA CAN card , Labview 8.0 & NI CANopen Labview library.
In my system NI CAN 2.3.2 is installed.
Sometimes  i am getting error
Error code: -1074388990
Description: An internal error occurred in the NI-CAN driver. A description is located in the file Nican Err.txt in your windows folder.
Solutions: Email or fax the NicanErr.txt file to NI for Technical support

After getting this error first time i had reinstall the CANopen library functions. But after that i again got the error.
Please find the attached error code.
 Please reply as soon as possible. It is very urgent.
Regards ,


nicanErr_18 Nov.txt:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/30/2226/2/nicanErr_18 Nov.txt
2006-11-20 14:40:10 UTC
This error means there is something going wrong with the initialization for your CAN board. Thats something between the driver and the board.
Try to install the newest NI CAN 2.3.3 version, which you can find here: <a href="http://digital.ni.com/softlib.nsf/webcategories/85256410006C055586256BBB002C0ED2?opendocument&amp;node=132060_US" target="_blank">NI-CAN 2.3.3</a>
can we generate frequency using counters . if so then what is the range and resolution.
2006-11-21 09:40:15 UTC
Hi Dirk
Thank you very much for your reply.
But i am not able to download the NI CAN 2.3.3 .exe .
Every time&nbsp;&nbsp; i am getting an error stating that
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The server returned an invalid or unrecognized response.
Please reply as soon as possible.
i have to deliver the project after two days.
I need one more help releated to creating an installer.
I am using LV 8.0 . NI CAN 2.3.2 , NI CANopen Labview library functions , NI USB 8451 card.
I am getting an error while creating the installer.
I had tried this on four different PC . For the first time i am able to create the installer successfully but if i tried to create the installer again then some error occurs. Find the attached errors.
Please reply as soon as possible
Thanking You

Installer error.txt:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/30/2235/1/Installer error.txt
2006-11-21 16:40:17 UTC
I could not reproduce the download problem. Perhaps your security configuration does not allow to download a selfextracting executeable?
See the following link to download a Zip file containing the driver. (NI-CAN 2.3.3.zip):&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="ftp://ftp.ni.com/outgoing" target="_blank">ftp://ftp.ni.com/outgoing</a>
To the second problem: It seems the installer builder can not find a specific file or component. In your case something from the RT Error dialog.
Follow the path to find what is missing.
2007-02-14 14:10:15 UTC
unfortunately not. The CANopen Library uses Frame API Objects under the hood and USB CAN does not support these objects.
The only portable solution for the CANopen Library is PCMCIA.
2007-03-21 12:40:11 UTC
Is there any plan to bring CANopen to the USB-CAN devices in the near future?
Because it is hard to explain to management, that we have to order parts which are more than twice expensive than the USB-CAN (~900EUR for the PCI and only ~320EUR for the USB)