How to install a sensor and test it using NI-CAN?
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2008-08-01 15:10:06 UTC
How to install a sensor and test it using NI-CAN?
2008-08-04 17:40:08 UTC
Hello Nicholas,
The objective of our project will be a LabView subroutine that would take in a list of messages and output the responses to those messages. A named cluster might be an appropriate format for the output. The subroutine should be generic in that once it is fed the appropriate message(s), it can query across the CAN to the appropriate sensor. We need this capability because many new sensors that we use for testing come only with CAN outputs rather than the traditional voltage outputs. These are relatively simple transducers that don't have extensive vocabularies. Six messages may be sufficient for each of these applications.
CAN subroutine suggestions:
-six message (word?) capability These messages can be fed in as inputs specific to the particular transducer the routine to be used.
-named cluster output
-should be able to run in a 20 hz main loop if possible
**In order to proceed with this project, we need communication between the sensor and the bus, which is our main problem. When using MAX, we only get error transmission with a 100% bus load, does this means the sensor is actually working? Also, does anyone knows how to insert the sensor as a LV subroutine, once is communicating?
*The sensor is an urea quality sensor with temperature and concentration capabilities.
Thank you!
2008-08-04 17:40:08 UTC
Nicholas consider Lisandro=Nones, thank you!
2008-08-04 20:10:07 UTC
Here are some sensor specs on CAN Communication:
-SAE J1939 (BOSCH CAN 2.0B active)
-Driver: 82C250
-Length of Message ID: 29 bits
-Baud Rate: 500kbps
**How does kbps converts to kBaud?
Thanks again!
2008-08-05 13:40:10 UTC
Nones, Lets keep this issue contained in <a href="http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=30&amp;message.id=3672#M3672" target="_blank">one thread</a> that way all information can be found in one spot! Thanks again and have a great day!Regards,Nicholas K
2008-08-04 17:40:08 UTC
Hello Lisandro,

I am going to see if I can help with in configuring your
NI-CAN device to communicate with your sensor but in order to do this we will
need to specify a bit more information on your end so that I can give you the
best support possible. The first thing I would like to point you to is the
<a href="http://www.ni.com/pdf/manuals/370289k.pdf" target="_blank">NI-CAN hardware and software manual</a> that provides in depth help on the CAN
architecture as well as proper use of the device.If you do not mind filling me in a little more on your
application in regards to what type of CAN device you are specifically using,
as well as what drivers you have installed for it, and what type of sensor you
are trying to communicate with. The answers to these questions as well as what
you are trying to communicate and how your system is setup will help me to get
you up and running in no time.

Thanks again and have a great day!


&nbsp;Nicholas K