Hello Lisandro,
I am going to see if I can help with in configuring your
NI-CAN device to communicate with your sensor but in order to do this we will
need to specify a bit more information on your end so that I can give you the
best support possible. The first thing I would like to point you to is the
<a href="http://www.ni.com/pdf/manuals/370289k.pdf" target="_blank">NI-CAN hardware and software manual</a> that provides in depth help on the CAN
architecture as well as proper use of the device.If you do not mind filling me in a little more on your
application in regards to what type of CAN device you are specifically using,
as well as what drivers you have installed for it, and what type of sensor you
are trying to communicate with. The answers to these questions as well as what
you are trying to communicate and how your system is setup will help me to get
you up and running in no time.
Thanks again and have a great day!
Nicholas K