6052E LIN
(too old to reply)
2007-10-09 14:10:10 UTC
You could use the mentioned example regardles of RTSI. The CAN part names the sync terminals RTSI, but we are talking about the sync connector outside the box.
The DAQ part routes the clock and start trigger to PFI 1 and 0 and that means you can use a simple NI Connector block to wire clock, trigger and ground to the USB box.
If you send the LIN frame, it gets received because the example has enabled self reception?. That means you got the timestamp from the frame you send out. Then you have to monitor your DAQ receive and when ever the Diode comes to light you should measure something. Now you should stop both loops and compare the time stamps.
Because both boards are synced the difference should be the time your target needs.
2007-10-17 16:40:42 UTC
I modified the Vi a little bit to take care of the time increment for DAQ. I didn't  thought about it in the first version. Thus we allways had t0 for the conpare. DAQ aquires with 1 KHz and that means your timestamp resolution is 1 us. Keep that in mind.

Sync DAQ and LIN_special2.vi:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/30/2902/1/Sync DAQ and LIN_special2.vi
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