bff62002 internal error occurred in the ni-can driver
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John Gourlay
2008-02-06 15:10:11 UTC
Dirk, Attached is an NI Spy capture showing the problem.  CAN0 is the USB board, and CAN1 is port 2 of a PCI board.  They're connected to each other, and there is nothing else on the bus.  The test configures and opens both ports identically and tries to send a frame from CAN1 to CAN0.  The NI CAN library never calls the NC_ST_READ_AVAIL callback function for CAN0.  In spite of the successful return codes, the USB board apparently never really goes on line, because CAN1 goes into error-passive state for lack of an acknowledgement.  You can see the call to the callback for CAN1 to deliver the no-acknowledgement communciation error.It's impractical for me to send you the whole program I'm running.  It's a big, programmable system for running end-of-line production tests of automotive components such as engines and transmissions.  I am including the one C file that contains all of calls to the NI CAN library.  The functions you'll be interested in are pc2_ds_open_port and receive_frames.John


2008-02-07 16:40:12 UTC
Hi John,
Make sure you have thye latest NI-CAN driver installed. I used NI-CAN 2.5.2 and it worked fine.
Besides that have you ever tried running the USB Application only to receive something?
When you call the notification configuration the first time in your process, its recommended to call it in disable state ones, before you call it with your actual configuration to make sure everything is reseted. (see below)
"ncCreateNotification (19464256, 0, 0, NULL, NULL)
 ncCreateNotification (19464256, 1, 4294967295, 0x00411054, 0x00408E98)"
Hope that helps.
John Gourlay
2008-02-07 19:40:12 UTC
The situation is not quite what I said in my previous message.  What's happening now is that I'm getting an internal error (0xBFF62002) from ncGetHardwareInfo very early in the initialization of my program.  I've attached the NicanErr.txt file and NI Spy output.


2008-02-08 15:10:09 UTC
What i can see in you spy log file is that you call the get hardware info VI from different process IDs. What exactly is your setup to do so.  Could youy ecxplain your hardware setup when you run the spy log and perhaps you could add your code so i can try to reproduce this error?
2008-02-11 15:10:09 UTC
no concerns about the multiple threads. Could you try the attached example which is hardcoded to CAN4 and 0x80004980 baudrate. It worked with my USB CAN.

CAN Receive with Notification.c:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/30/3200/1/CAN Receive with Notification.c
2008-02-14 17:10:09 UTC
We also have the problem that we get the Error -1074388990 (Hex
0xBFF62002). We use a PXI-System and a DeviceNet Card (PXI-8461),
LabVIEW 8.5, NI-DNET 1.6.1 and NI-CAN 2.5.2.

The problem occurs in the first VI trying to establish a connection to
the CAN Device. We tried all the recommended things like installing the
newest NI-CAN version (both on the Windows computer and the PXI-System)
or changing the slot of the PXI-Card.

Has anybody a solution?
Thanks for help, dave
2008-02-15 14:40:09 UTC
This is not the way you should work on this forum. You posted the same problem to four different threads. Don't do that. Instead you should open your own thread and deliver as much information as possible.
The 0xBFF62002 error is internal and there is not that much you can do. Whenever this error occures a nicanerr.txt file is generated to the following location:
<a href="file://program/" target="_blank">\\Program</a> Files\National Instruments\NI-CAN\bin
Attache this file to your own thread and if possible add ashort example showing this error, so we can reproduce it here.
If you work that way, i am pretty sure we can help.
