NI-CAN with C#
(too old to reply)
2006-07-10 17:40:11 UTC
Im planning to use C# (Visual Studio 2005) to control a NI PXI-8461/2. I just discovered that Measurement Studio does not support any CAN cards. So, my question is if there is an easy way to control the CAN card directly from C# and if there is any example code availible for this kind of task?
Jimmie A.
2006-07-11 07:40:07 UTC
Please look at these resources:
What Programming Language APIs Does National Instruments Provide for CAN and DNET?<a href="http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/websearch/FF00FD7D7A77EB038625712A004FC52F?OpenDocument" target="_blank">http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/websearch/FF00FD7D7A77EB038625712A004FC52F?OpenDocument</a>
Where are the NI-CAN or NI-DNET examples located?<a href="http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/websearch/E4F5362A494B99C686256F4D006205C6?OpenDocument" target="_blank">http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/websearch/E4F5362A494B99C686256F4D006205C6?OpenDocument</a>
I have passed on your interest in a NI-CAN .NET API to the US.
Colin hughes
2008-01-13 13:10:05 UTC
Hi Jammie
Both links are cop-outs by NI.
Lets see more commitment from NI for .Net&nbsp;users, after all&nbsp;.Net is a few years old now.
Excuses for not doing so are unacceptable.
Colin hughes
2008-01-13 12:40:05 UTC
I have just started to use the NI ECU CCP tool kit, Great product that got me out off a big hole..
I had an a2l file but no loader that works with a black box ECU from another manufacturer.
Our Internal one was full off bugs and I was assigned to fix it.
Most off my&nbsp; development is&nbsp;now done in VS 2005 (installing VS 2008 today)
I would like to see&nbsp;a&nbsp;.NET rappers for&nbsp;this tool (and others) so that al the users off&nbsp;Measurement Studio &nbsp;or just&nbsp;VS studio&nbsp;do not have to reinvent the wheel.
I have just started to&nbsp;develope modules for&nbsp;Teststand and&nbsp;will use VS instead of LabWindows or Labview.
Delphi Diesel Systems
Colin hughes
2008-01-14 15:10:08 UTC
Not so great as it did not work.
