2008-06-26 21:40:07 UTC
Hello ,I'm working on a HIL project that's able to manage 5 CAN bus using cRIO in order to be able to restart quickly the communication after a bus off state.My question is easy :) . After a bus off , in order to restart the communication, it's needed to : Reset the SJA, reapply my Transceiver config and START it. My problem is the following, after a reset, the transceiver timestamp is erased. All my system : DAQ, LIN, CAN ... is synchronised by a pulse on RTSI0 that allow me to synchronise all my elements. The problem is that after a reset my CAN is no more synchronized, and the timestamp is not valid with the rest of the system.A workaround that I use for the moment is to have my own SCTL(10MHz) that generates TimeStamp since the pulse on RTSI0 and I systematically replace the SJA TimeStamp in my CAN Data by this timestamp, but for me it's not a really good solution.do you have any idea ?Best regards,Message Edité par pierreR le 06-26-2008 04:12 PM