Warning 1073094668
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2008-03-07 19:10:11 UTC
After building two industrial applications with success, I am working on a third one using LabView 7.1, PCMCIA CAN series 2 board, CANOpen library and a few CANOpen nodes.
Time to time, I get the following warning message when I restart my program :
Warning 1073094668 occurred at CANopen NMT Send.vi
Possible reason(s):
NI-CAN:  (Hex 0x3FF6200C) CAN transceiver warning, typically indicated by the NERR signal.A fault exists on the bus, but communication continues.
Solution: Verify that cabling is correct.
Consequence of this, is that I lost the TPDO reception of one node on the network. Okay I said, as recommended, I checked the cabling and restarted. After cable check, I restarted the application and got same warning but I lost the TPDO of a second node in addition of the first one.

If I continue to stop/start application the problem gets worth...
I monitored the network activity with another CAN board (not NI, sorry...) and I was suprised that the corresponding TPDO were still emitted with no error detected on the bus.
In my VI, I use the CANOpen PDO Wait and this function always timeout, of course, returning no data even the TPDO is emitted regurlarly on the bus.
Ultimate solution is to reboot the PC itself and things come back to normal. I tried on another PC, same story after a number of start/restart. Resetting the board with MAX does not solve the problem when it appeared.
I will continue to investigate the problem but I post this message just in case.
Thanks in advance for your comments, remarks or questions.
2008-03-11 09:10:06 UTC
Hi Balaboum,

Normally the reason why you have this error code is due to lack of proper termination of your CAN bus. Terminating resistors are required to ensure proper communication on the CAN bus. The Knowledge Bases linked below contain more information about termination requirements for both High and Low-Speed CAN and CAN Bus Manual.

<a href="http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/websearch/BBA68A3DBD76EFF786256E69000B6E27?OpenDocument" target="_blank"> http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/websearch/BBA68A3DBD76EFF786256E69000B6E27?OpenDocument</a>

<a href="http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/websearch/28201E5E78F6E9E0862569E7006C33A9?OpenDocument" target="_blank"> http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/websearch/28201E5E78F6E9E0862569E7006C33A9?OpenDocument</a>

<a href="http://www.ni.com/pdf/manuals/370289j.pdf" target="_blank"> http://www.ni.com/pdf/manuals/370289j.pdf</a>

You also have some information on others posts linked below:

<a href="http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=30&amp;message.id=2354&amp;requireLogin=False" target="_blank"> http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=30&amp;message.id=2354&amp;requireLogin=False</a>

<a href="http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=30&amp;thread.id=2084&amp;view=by_date_ascending&amp;page=1" target="_blank"> http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=30&amp;thread.id=2084&amp;view=by_date_ascending&amp;page=1</a>
2008-05-19 11:10:07 UTC
Hi BenjaminR,

Even i am facing the same problem with my application.
I have programmed the MS9S08DZ60 micro-controller to receive and transmit few CAN messages.
When i run the sample program in NI examples, i can transmit and receive the CAN messages.
Whereas with my application, initially i can monitir the CAN bus but
once i execute a test case(used to test the DUT), i can see only Tx
After some time the application will hang and sometimes i get the error message as follows,

Error 1073094668 occurred at an unidentified location

Possible reason(s):

NI-CAN:&nbsp; (Hex 0x3FF6200C) CAN transceiver warning, typically indicated
by the NERR signal.&nbsp; A fault exists on the bus, but communication
continues.&nbsp; Solution: Verify that cabling is correct.

So, kindly help me!!!
2008-05-20 10:40:09 UTC
Hi,The reason why you would be seeing this error code is due to lack of proper termination of your CAN bus. Terminating resistors are required to ensure proper communication on the CAN bus. The Knowledge Bases <a href="http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/websearch/BBA68A3DBD76EFF786256E69000B6E27?OpenDocument" target="_blank"> here</a> and <a href="http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/websearch/28201E5E78F6E9E0862569E7006C33A9?OpenDocument" target="_blank"> here</a> contain more information about termination requirements for both High and Low-Speed CAN.
2008-05-20 11:40:11 UTC
&nbsp; Yes, I confirm your explanation BenjaminR. In my case, I had a CANOpen device with embedded termination resistor. During setup phase and through CAN network, you are able to turn this resistor on or off according to position of the device in your network. Even I saved the configuration&nbsp;in device non-volatile memory,&nbsp;I noticed that this feature was not functioning properly all the time. I was not able to find the reason for that. So, I decided to disable the&nbsp;resistor feature on the device&nbsp;and install a termination plug.
2008-05-20 11:40:12 UTC
Sorry for the list of messages, space bar hanged...
How can I delete unwanted messages ?Message Edité par Balaboum le 05-20-2008 06:29 AM
2008-05-20 11:40:11 UTC
&nbsp;&nbsp; Yes, I confirm your explanation BenjaminR. In my case, I had a CANOpen device with embedded termination resistor. During setup phase and through CAN network, you are able to turn this resistor on or off according to position of the device in your network. Even I saved the configuration&nbsp;in device non-volatile memory,&nbsp;I noticed that this feature was not functioning properly all the time. I was not able to find the reason for that. So, I decided to disable the&nbsp;resistor feature on the device&nbsp;and install a termination plug.
2008-05-20 11:40:11 UTC
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Yes, I confirm your explanation BenjaminR. In my case, I had a CANOpen device with embedded termination resistor. During setup phase and through CAN network, you are able to turn this resistor on or off according to position of the device in your network. Even I saved the configuration&nbsp;in device non-volatile memory,&nbsp;I noticed that this feature was not functioning properly all the time. I was not able to find the reason for that. So, I decided to disable the&nbsp;resistor feature on the device&nbsp;and install a termination plug.
2008-05-20 11:40:12 UTC
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Yes, I confirm your explanation BenjaminR. In my case, I had a CANOpen device with embedded termination resistor. During setup phase and through CAN network, you are able to turn this resistor on or off according to position of the device in your network. Even I saved the configuration&nbsp;in device non-volatile memory,&nbsp;I noticed that this feature was not functioning properly all the time. I was not able to find the reason for that. So, I decided to disable the&nbsp;resistor feature on the device&nbsp;and install a termination plug.
2008-05-20 11:40:12 UTC
&nbsp;Message Edité par Balaboum le 05-20-2008 06:29 AM
2008-05-19 11:10:07 UTC
Hi Balaboum, Even i am facing the same problem with my application.I have programmed the MS9S08DZ60 micro-controller to receive and transmit few CAN messages.When i run the sample program in NI examples, i can transmit and receive the CAN messages.Whereas with my application, initially i can monitir the CAN bus but once i execute a test case(used to test the DUT), i can see only Tx messages.After some time the application will hang and sometimes i get the error which u hav mentioned i.e.,Error 1073094668 occurred at an unidentified locationPossible reason(s):NI-CAN:&nbsp; (Hex 0x3FF6200C) CAN transceiver warning, typically indicated by the NERR signal.&nbsp; A fault exists on the bus, but communication continues.&nbsp; Solution: Verify that cabling is correct.So, kindly help me!!!