HELP--send a message by channel
(too old to reply)
Weihua Cao
2008-04-25 02:10:05 UTC

I have sent a message in the discussion, and get a lot of help, but now ma question has not been solved. And I have tried it according to your help. Now I describe my question again.

I have s CANdb database, and I want to choose a signal from the database, and twrite a data to it, then send the message to the hardwire of PXI 8464. I choose channel API to send it, and use the control of CAN write to write the data, and it runs normally, but it can not be received by CANoe. I do not know why. Look forward to your reply. Thank you!



2008-04-25 08:40:10 UTC
<a href="http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=30&amp;thread.id=3383" target="_blank">Duplicate</a> post !
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