How can I make one message using channel API?
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2007-10-13 11:40:06 UTC
I have a problem about making message using channel API.
First of all, I don't know how to make frame data using channel API of Visual Basic 6.0.
examples of NI-CAN are only single simple output. But it isn't useful to me.
I will explain my situation above this.
1. frame to send another eqiupment.
Data type  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0
DATA1      1  0  1  0  0  0  0  0 
DATA2      06H
DATA3      00H
DATA4      00H
DATA5      00H
DATA6      00H
DATA7      00H
DATA8      00H
2. channel list of MAX
- plz refering jpg files

Data type  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0
DATA1      t8  t7  t6  t5  t4  t3  t2  t1 
DATA2      massage(7-0)
DATA3      I did not assign channel
DATA4      I did not assign channel
DATA5      I did not assign channel
DATA6      I did not assign channel
DATA7      I did not assign channel
DATA8      I did not assign channel
3. source file of Visual Basic6.0 for me to make
this source refered example of NI-CAN.
ChannelList = "t8,t6,message"
Interface = "0"  //this means CAN0
Mode = nctModeOutput
SampleRate = CBbl(0)
Status = nctInitStart(ChannelList, Interface, Mode, SampleRate, TaskRef)
SampleArray(3) As Double
SampleArray(0) = CBbl(0)
SampelArray(1) = CBbl(1)
SampelArray(2) = CBbl(6)
Status = nctWrite(TaskRef, 1, SampleArray(0))
4. Questions.
I have programs making another person in our company. These programs send only single message.
NI-CAN and others equipment work well sending single message.
My question is I don't know whether equipment have a problem or my source is wrong.
Please give me sample sources of sending frame data using channel API of Visual Basic 6.0

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2007-10-16 20:40:07 UTC
It seems you are trying to send a 8 byte CAN Frame using the Channel API. Use the Frame API instead. Or if you have to use channels and you need to write multiple values per channel, have a look to the Waveform Output example shipping with the driver.
