CAN: finding nodestate and which protocol node is using
(too old to reply)
2007-11-05 07:34:03 UTC
hello group members,

I am Priya. I am new to CAN and CANOpen. I need to make a tool which
will display all the nodes(CAN devices) in the CAN network and give
the node information such as node state and Protocol use(Node guarding
or heartbeat).

the tool must display the following info ..

Node ID state Protocol-used

3 operational hearbeat
4 pre-operational Nodeguarding
5 boot hearbeat

Please guide me,and suggest me an easy and efficent way of doing the

Lauren L
2007-11-07 14:40:08 UTC
Hi Priya,
In sounds like you are basically trying to monitor the buses in you CAN device.  Are you referring to specific channels within one CAN Network Interface, or monitoring separate interfaces (CAN0, CAN1, etc)?  If you are monitoring channels, there is an example in LabVIEW entitled Channel Monitor.
In LabVIEW, you can use the CAN Get Property function to read particular properties for the task or a single channel.  By clicking below it, you can select specific attributes to read.  You can also try using the Bus Monitor in MAX, by right clicking on the device.  This gives information about frame rate, dt min, dt max and total number, which can be saved to a file along with time stamps.
For more information, I recommend the CAN tutorials at the following link: <a href="http://zone.ni.com/devzone/fn/p/sn/n23:2.17.3237.3239" target="_blank">http://zone.ni.com/devzone/fn/p/sn/n23:2.17.3237.3239</a>
Lauren L
