What are CANopen Library error codes?
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John Voulgaris
2007-03-02 13:40:09 UTC
I am trying to diagnose a problem with a Labview application I have created using V8.2 and the CANopen Library.  I am getting an error from the SDO Create CANopen VI but I have no way to interpret it.  Looking at the CANopen Error Handler VI, it appears that the possible error return values from the library are 1 (the error I am getting), 0x1500-0x1503 and anything negative.  Is there any document that describes these error codes?
John Voulgaris
2007-03-05 08:40:11 UTC

Codes 0x1500 to 0x1503  (0x1502 actually) are CANopen specific error codes.
The Installation of the CANopen Library should have put a file named
CANOPEN-ERRORS.TXT int your  ...\user.lib\errors\ directory, looking like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
Error codes for the CANopen VIs
<nierror code="5376">
Invalid CANopen object reference. Object does not exist.
<nierror code="5377">
Invalid CANopen object reference. Object has the wrong type.
<nierror code="5378">
An SDO transfer is already pending for this device. A device cannot handle more than one SDO transaction at a time.

Everything else seems to be "standard" LabVIEW error code, 1 meaning "An input parameter is invalid".

You  should get an explanation of all  codes if you put the
error cluster on a frontpanel, right click on the code and then
select  Explain Error. 
