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can can canopen
2007-07-10 04:40:05 UTC
Hi all ,
There is a software called Busmonitor .exe which can be used as an alternative for the bus monitor available in MAX.How to use that in any labview program.
PDO creation in labview can be viewed on this bus monitor is it????? i.e the Arbitration ID of PDO with 8 bytes of data and dtmin and dtmax things.
Plz do mail to <a href="mailto:***@lntemsys.com" target="_blank">***@lntemsys.com</a>
Thanks in advance
Nick D
2007-07-10 19:10:19 UTC
Hey there,
Would you be able to put a link to the product you've mentioned? (The 3rd party bus monitor)
Something I was curious about, is if you're trying to read Arb. ID, and data, could you just implement the Frame examples in labVIEW to view all the messages coming in, and the edit your program with respect to that? You can find these examples by first going to labVIEW-&gt;Help-&gt;Find Examples...-&gt;Hardware Input and Output-&gt;CAN-&gt;Frame Examples-&gt;Basic and choose one of the examples to begin with.
I think if you're just looking for a way to read the CAN network, those examples are the best. If the feature you're looking for can't be implemented in labVIEW, and must use this bus monitor, would you be able to link to this product, so we can have a better feel of what the product is.
Nick D.
can can canopen
2007-07-11 06:10:06 UTC
Hi Nick,
In my .exe which my client has provided {which they call "DRIVE TOOL"}.If i press Start Drive tool and also start drive then i can see
SDO messages i.e its Arb.ID and 8 databytes in MAX what NI has provided.The exe has a option for CAN settings,In the settings i can set BAUDRATE , CAN INTERFACENAME , Update timings,Node Id,SDO1 {Rx and Tx} SDO2{Rx and Tx},PDO1{Rx and Tx} and PDO2{Rx and Tx}.If i click for PDO's and any SDO's then i can see all the PDO messages in BusMonitor in MAX.
I want to implement the same using Labview, If i use CANOPEN functions then i can create PDO and read any data using SDO functions ......but I cant implement busmonitor using CANOPEN.....i want those messages which I said above .I am confused,dont no how to proceed,and regarding the busmonitor it is available in NI-CAN&nbsp; bin folder , to use that
http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/C550932054BAED2586256F6C006DE465?OpenDocument&nbsp; v have to use coomand which is in this link....
Plz tell me whether i have to use CAN or CANOPEN to implement my task
Thanks in advance
Nick D
2007-07-12 16:40:07 UTC
Hey There,
Have you had a chance to look into the examples mentioned above? If you go to labVIEW-&gt;Help-&gt;Find Examples...-&gt;Hardware Input and Output-&gt;CAN-&gt;Frame Examples-&gt;Basic and choose Can Receive.vi, it's not exactly like the busmonitor, but it's similar.
Nick D.
