Why is my callback function continously called
(too old to reply)
2008-03-03 16:40:09 UTC
I use the NICAN driver ver 2.3 to communicate with some devices over more CAN buses.
The application is developed with Visual C++ 6.0 and runs under Windows NT/2000/XP,
with an Intel Pentium 4 running at 2.8 GHz.
Four NICAN-PCI cards are installed, giving a total of eight CAN buses.
It seams not to matter, how many of the ports are connected and opened.
Occasionaly my application is flooded with calls of the callback function.
Sometimes there are two short peeks of processor usage of 100% within 2-3 seconds, sometimes the processor usage remain at 100% until the port ist closed.
The problem seams to occur after a CAN bus is powered off, then powered on again.
The normal traffic on the lines is low - under 20 packets per second.
My callback function has nothing special.
It should be called only if data is available for read.
NCTYPE_STATE _NCFUNC_ NiCanCallback(NCTYPE_OBJH a_uiObjHandle, NCTYPE_STATE a_uiState, NCTYPE_STATUS a_iStatus, NCTYPE_ANY_P a_pRefData){  NCTYPE_STATE  uiState = NC_ST_READ_AVAIL; CNiCanLibInterface* pNiCanLibInterface; CAN_FRM_DATA  lCanFrmData; // Typecast the pointer to appropriate type pNiCanLibInterface = (CNiCanLibInterface*)thePack.gHandleToPtr.Get(a_uiObjHandle);
 // If the data is available on the port if( pNiCanLibInterface != NULL && (a_uiState & NC_ST_READ_AVAIL)) {   memset( &lCanFrmData, 0, sizeof(CAN_FRM_DATA) );   lCanFrmData.m_nLineNo = pNiCanLibInterface->m_iPortNo;   // Read the data from the port   LRESULT lrRetValue = pNiCanLibInterface->ReadPort(pNiCanLibInterface->m_iPortNo, &lCanFrmData);   if(lrRetValue == CAL_SUCCESS)   {    // Post the data as a user message to the thread in which this DLL is mapped    // VERY IMPORTANT: The thread should delete the data pointer which is passed as LPARAM    thePack.m_pApi->m_pInputQueue->AddPointer( &lCanFrmData );    if ( thePack.m_pApi->m_pCallerInfo->m_hReceiveEvent != NULL )    {     SetEvent(thePack.m_pApi->m_pCallerInfo->m_hReceiveEvent);    }   } } return uiState;}
After the port is opened, a notification is created for reading:
  iStatus = (*m_pDriverInfo->m_pncAction)(m_uiObjHandler, NC_OP_START, NULL);  if(iStatus == NC_SUCCESS)  {   m_pChanelData->m_bIsStarted = TRUE;   lrRetValue = CAL_SUCCESS;   // Register the required events for notifications   iStatus = (*m_pDriverInfo->m_pncCreateNotification)(m_uiObjHandler, NC_ST_READ_AVAIL, NC_DURATION_INFINITE, NULL, NiCanCallback);
   if(iStatus == NC_SUCCESS)   {    // Store the thread ID. The received data messages will be sent to this thread.    m_dwThreadID = ::GetCurrentThreadId();    lrRetValue = CAL_SUCCESS;   }   else   {    //Close previously opened port if m_pDriverInfo->m_pncCreateNotification function call fails    ClosePort(m_iPortNo);   }  }
A sample of the NI Spy protocoll is attached.
The following message is continously repeated:
Invoking NI-CAN user callback (32376768, 1, 16546, 1073094668, 1),Prozess-ID: 0x00000AA0         Thread-ID: 0x00000C24,Startzeit: 10:22:58.502       Aufrufdauer: 00:00:00.000,Status: 0x3FF6
2008-03-04 09:10:09 UTC
can you reproduce that also with our CAN examples like in my *.zip file ?
Best Regards

2008-03-04 11:10:07 UTC
Hi Johann,
Thanks for the samples.
I couldnt find an appropiate sample using notifications.
In my case a flood of notifications occur - all on channel 1 (which makes no sense), all with State 0x40A2
( NC_ST_WRITE_SUCCESS + NC_ST_WARNING + 0x80 ??? + 0x4000 ??? )
although my call back function was not registered for NC_ST_WRITE_SUCCESS, but only for NC_ST_READ_AVAIL.
I wander what the other bits could mean 0x80 and 0x4000.
I suppose that is has something to do with the Warning Bit.
I do not know how to supress notifications on warnings.
Have someone some idea?
Best regards,
2008-03-17 14:40:12 UTC
For the warnings i found this explanation
<a href="http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/862567530005F0A186256A460062C3F9?OpenDocument" target="_blank">http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/862567530005F0A186256A460062C3F9?OpenDocument</a>
Do you tried the actual NI CAN driver 2.5.2 ?
<a href="http://joule.ni.com/nidu/cds/fn/p/sb/navsRel/lang/de?q=can" target="_blank">http://joule.ni.com/nidu/cds/fn/p/sb/navsRel/lang/de?q=can</a>
Perhaps you have here no problem. Please try it when possible.
Best Regards
