Pdo Problem
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can can canopen
2007-07-05 08:40:14 UTC
Hi all ,
I am testing the PDO's ...I have attached the code and error windows.Please tell me were i am wrong and why i get this type of errors,The Error with PDO occurs at"CANOPEN PDOCrate.vi" and other at File open .I am new to this Labview field.

file error of pdo.png:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/30/2706/1/file error of pdo.png

error pdo.png:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/30/2706/2/error pdo.png

code for pdo.png:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/30/2706/3/code for pdo.png
Brian F.
2007-07-07 21:11:38 UTC
Thank you for posting to the NI Discussion Forums. 
The error 8 that you are seeing usually indicates one of two things are happening.  There is a great knowledge base article on this error at:
Why do I get "Error 8 Occurred at Open File" When Writing to or Reading From a File?<a href="http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/F5D5F6798A9367CC86256F6C007A968D?OpenDocument" target="_blank">http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/F5D5F6798A9367CC86256F6C007A968D?OpenDocument</a> In terms of the error 1 that you are seeing, this indicates that one of the inputs to the CANopen PDO Create.vi is invalid.&nbsp; I think that the PDO Configuration terminal on this VI requires a cluster of information, but you only have a constant integer.&nbsp; Try changing this constant to a control and filling in the appropriate fields on your front panel to correct this error.&nbsp;
Let me know if this helps!
Brian FApplications EngineerNational Instruments
