Read consecutive frames (Vector CAN)
(too old to reply)
2006-12-21 05:40:09 UTC

After sending a KWP request to the ECU- Flow control frame,
ECU will transmit some consecutive frames at 4ms time interval, how to read all the consecutive frames.
I am currently using Vector CAN Card and then programming in VC++.
I have searched a lot for a solution but not able to find any.
Can anyone please help me with this?
Please help......
2006-12-21 14:10:09 UTC
Hi Santa, ;-)
I have no idea how to solve this with Vector hardware. This would be a question more for the Vector Support.
But if you could get a NI board for cristmas, you could easily use VC++ to write a Frame and read the answers. See the attached example .

Transmit Receive same Port.zip:
http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/30/2290/1/Transmit Receive same Port.zip
2006-12-22 04:40:07 UTC
First of all I would like to thank you for your help you have provided. I will check out the .zip file u have attached and get back to you if i have any other problems...!!! :))
One more thing, my name is not Santa ! Its  SAPTA...  :))
Thanks for you help..
Merry christmas and happy new year...
SAPTA... :)
2006-12-22 05:10:07 UTC
Hi DirkW,
The scenario is like this:
Line1. Tx 02 21 xx xx xx xx xx xxLine2. Rx 10 0A 67 FD xx xx xx xxLine3. Tx 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (flow control frame)Line4. Rx 21 xx xx xx xx xx xx xx (consecutive frame1)Line5. Rx 22 xx xx xx xx xx xx xx (CF2)Line6. Rx 23 xx xx xx xx xx xx xx (CF3)
I am trying to do the above scenario. The flow control frame needs to be sent within a very less time say 20 ms. How can i achieve this scenario since i am coding in VC++ and then I am using Vector CAN Card. And then my prgm needs to wait for 4 ms for each of the consecutive frames. As of now, I am able to send and recieve Line1 and Line2 sucessfully and sending Line3 too.  But due to some timing issue, I am not able to do the rest of the sending and receiving.
Can you please help me with this.
Thank you for your time and patience.
2006-12-22 15:40:09 UTC
Hi Sapta,
Well with NI hardware and NI-CAN as the driver i would send the first frame, wait for the answer to receive , then send the third frame and then call the read mult until all conscutive frames have arrived.
But i think an example makes no sence because you are using the vector api. Try to contact the vector support for an example.
2007-01-31 16:40:14 UTC
Hi Sapta,
      I have the same problem as you. And our Frames are similar(The flow control frame and multi frame header are same).
Now I can send and receive line1 and line 2 successfully. But when I transfer the flow control frame(line3), there is no response from product.
Have you solved this problem now?
2007-07-18 09:40:10 UTC
I am also facing the same problem for Vector CAN.I am using the API ncdReceive1 to receive the data from the bus.
After sending the flow control message i am not able to receive the consecutive frame.I am creating the application in VC++ and i used thread to continously monitor the bus and receive data.
How was this problem solved?Let me know ASAP.
