Reading and parsing of CAN Message Log File
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2008-06-11 11:40:05 UTC
We have a requirement to read and parse the CAN message log file and details out the message using the CAN DBC file.
In detail, we have to develop a tool which will take CAN message log file and DBC file as input. The tool should read each message from the file and check whether the message is present in the DBC file. If so, parse it and output the details of the CAN messages.
For e.g. if the message file contains the message "20 40 40 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A", then the output of the tool should look like 20 40 40 is the CAN ID for the message name X, 03 is the Byte 0 representing the signal name Y, 04 is the Byte 1 representing the signal name Z etc.
The tool application development can be a microsoft application like C# or some scripting languages like XML, Perl etc.
Please provide your inputs on the following:
1. What software language to use to develop the tool?
2. How to read CAN DBC file from the tool i.e if we use C# then how to read DBC file using C#?
3. Is there any other way to do the above requirement in simple means?
4. Your inputs and suggestions on similar requirements if any?
Thanks in advance
2008-06-12 15:40:08 UTC
Hi Srikumar,

Are you using NI-CAN hardware? If you are, you can use one
of the NI-CAN Application Programming Interfaces for developing your tool. The <a href="http://www.ni.com/pdf/manuals/370289k.pdf" target="_blank">NI-CAN Hardware and Software Manual</a> contains information regarding using the Channel API (chapter 6) or the Frame
API (chapter 9) with LabVIEW (chapter 7) and text-based languages (chapter 8).

The following link points to a KnowledgeBase that explains the
difference between Channel and Frame API.
<a href="http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/10A5BBC9B096A34186256F940002C659?OpenDocument" target="_blank">NI-CAN Channel and Frame API</a>

You would probably need to use Channel API for your application and the NI Developer Zone tutorial below shows how you can use it in LabVIEW.
<a href="http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/4294" target="_blank">NI-CAN Channel API</a>

Thank you,
2008-06-13 06:10:06 UTC
Hi Simran,
Thanks a ton for your reply....
We are not using NI-CAN Hardware.
We are capturing the CAN message from the Infotaintment device i.e Car Radio using SAINT BOX Hardware. We have to process the CAN messages offline.
SAINT BOX hardware is a product&nbsp;of Delphi Company. This hardware is used for&nbsp;CAN communication between PC and Car Radio vice-versa.
Our goal is to&nbsp;develop a cost effective tool to do the work. Our customer is not intereseted to invest in procurring CANoe or Lab View licenses.
Awaiting for more replies !!!
Thanks and regards,
2008-06-13 16:40:08 UTC
Hi Srikumar,Since you are not using NI-CAN hardware, it will be hard for us to support you with this issue. Mostly everything on a NI Discussion Forum will be related to NI products. You may try contacting Delphi regarding this issue and they can provide you with more information.Regards,