2008-07-08 12:10:07 UTC
I want to conmunicate with NI PXI-8464 can card.The vi is ncwritenetmult.vi. I want to trigger the first data frame with a external signal (low to high),otherwise,I want to delay the second data frame many ms,then delay the third data frame many ms........the other card could be used is NI PXI-6251.How to do it?
I saw the frame type in user manual.Now my methord is route the trigger source signal to start trigger in can frame api through 6251's vi.Then set the second frame to delay frame.However,trigger and delay frame could not work together,only one of them is valid by setting timestamp transmit.
The time left little,help me
I saw the frame type in user manual.Now my methord is route the trigger source signal to start trigger in can frame api through 6251's vi.Then set the second frame to delay frame.However,trigger and delay frame could not work together,only one of them is valid by setting timestamp transmit.
The time left little,help me