can we generate frequency using counters . if so then what is the range and resolution.
2008-04-03 14:10:10 UTC
According to CANopen SDO protocols -
Six confirmed services (SDO Download, SDO Upload, Initiate SDO Upload, Initiate SDO Download, Download SDO Segment, and Upload SDO Segment) and one unconfirmed service (Abort SDO Transfer) are defined for Service Data Objects doing the standard segmented/expedited transfer.Eight confirmed services (SDO Block Download, SDO Block Upload, Initiate SDO Upload, Initiate SDO Block Download, Download SDO Segment, Upload SDO Segment, End SDO Upload and End SDO Block Download) and one unconfirmed service (Abort SDO Block Transfer) are defined for Service Data Objects doing the optional block transfer.
Now i want to read a parameter by using CAN Frame APIs. So i have to send a request to the slave. Please tell me this will (Sending a request & reading the data ) comes under which Confirmed Services. ?
The data we can write is of 8 Byte.
0 byte = ??
1 byte = Index Low Byte
2 byte = Index High Byte
3 byte = Sub Index
4 byte = Data15 byte = Data 2
6 byte = Data 3
7 byte = Data 4
Please let me know the 0 byte is used for what perpose. What indicates & how to Select its value for writing & Reading.
If you hane any document or link then please share with us.
Thanks in advance
According to CANopen SDO protocols -
Six confirmed services (SDO Download, SDO Upload, Initiate SDO Upload, Initiate SDO Download, Download SDO Segment, and Upload SDO Segment) and one unconfirmed service (Abort SDO Transfer) are defined for Service Data Objects doing the standard segmented/expedited transfer.Eight confirmed services (SDO Block Download, SDO Block Upload, Initiate SDO Upload, Initiate SDO Block Download, Download SDO Segment, Upload SDO Segment, End SDO Upload and End SDO Block Download) and one unconfirmed service (Abort SDO Block Transfer) are defined for Service Data Objects doing the optional block transfer.
Now i want to read a parameter by using CAN Frame APIs. So i have to send a request to the slave. Please tell me this will (Sending a request & reading the data ) comes under which Confirmed Services. ?
The data we can write is of 8 Byte.
0 byte = ??
1 byte = Index Low Byte
2 byte = Index High Byte
3 byte = Sub Index
4 byte = Data15 byte = Data 2
6 byte = Data 3
7 byte = Data 4
Please let me know the 0 byte is used for what perpose. What indicates & how to Select its value for writing & Reading.
If you hane any document or link then please share with us.
Thanks in advance