(too old to reply)
2008-05-23 19:10:07 UTC
I have DNET software installed. I find no LabVIEW examples. Can anyone the examples (SingleDevice.vi, MultipleDevice.vi) send? I thank you in advance.
2008-05-24 04:10:05 UTC
Hi Andreas,Make sure that you version of LabVIEW is supported by the version of NI-DNET. Here is a knowledge base article that shows you all supported combinations:<a href="http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/ACDAC0BFD11557DC86256FAF00519717" target="_blank">KB: What is the Latest Version of NI-DNET That Supports My Version of LabVIEW or LabWindows/CVI?</a> If you have a match (i.e. your version of NI-DNET does have support and example files for your version of LabVIEW), make sure that you install LabVIEW before you install NI-DNET, and the NI-DNET installer will automatically install the support files (and examples) for you. If you install NI-DNET first, you need to make sure to manually select the LabVIEW Support feature for your specific LabVIEW version as well as the 'Examples' feature.-B2k