2007-11-07 09:10:07 UTC
Hi all! I have a problem, I want to send CAN frames when I receive an RTSI pulse. To do that i configured my CAN Network Interface, and i generated a pulse train. At the begining, i configured the delay between two pulse at 700µs. It seems to work, but i noticed that sometimes after a day or after a week, i get the warning 1073094950 : NI-CAN: (Hex 0x3FF62126) You configured CAN transmit when a RTSI input pulses, and the RTSI rate occurs faster than CAN frames can be transmitted at the specified baud rate. Solution: Configure the source of RTSI pulse (i.e. DAQ counter) for a slower rate.I read in the data sheet : When you configure a DAQ card to pulse the RTSI signal
periodically, do not exceed 1000 Hertz (pulse every millisecond). If the RTSI
input is pulsed faster than 1kHz on a consistent basis, CAN performance will be
adversely affected (for example, lost data frames).After that i configured the delay between to pulses to 1ms and tryed again.... with the same result... sometimes i don't know why i receieved this damned warning !!! I also tryed with 1,6 ms ... (the maximum i can have between two pulses). I don't know why i have these limitation from this card ! I know a solution will be to use FPGA instead on these poor CAN cards but i don't have the time to rewrite the code with FPGA (i meet the customer next week). So i just want to know if someone else meet this problem (and eventually has a solution) or can explain this strange phenomena ....Thanks.... for all your futures answers!
periodically, do not exceed 1000 Hertz (pulse every millisecond). If the RTSI
input is pulsed faster than 1kHz on a consistent basis, CAN performance will be
adversely affected (for example, lost data frames).After that i configured the delay between to pulses to 1ms and tryed again.... with the same result... sometimes i don't know why i receieved this damned warning !!! I also tryed with 1,6 ms ... (the maximum i can have between two pulses). I don't know why i have these limitation from this card ! I know a solution will be to use FPGA instead on these poor CAN cards but i don't have the time to rewrite the code with FPGA (i meet the customer next week). So i just want to know if someone else meet this problem (and eventually has a solution) or can explain this strange phenomena ....Thanks.... for all your futures answers!